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Homemade Ramen Noodles

Homemade Ramen Noodles are something that any real ramen fan needs to make at least a few times in their life. While it isn’t a fast element of the bowl of ramen to make, it isn’t really difficult, either. I would suggest using some special equipment to make the process easier, but you can also do this by hand if you prefer. 

Homemade Ramen Noodles

The basis for this pasta recipe is alllllll over the net. There are about 100 different versions of homemade ramen noodles, but the basics are all the same.

Wheat flour. Water. Salt. Kansui.

What is Kansui?

Kansui is an alkaline solution that gives ramen noodles their springy texture. Sciency, right?

Turns out kansui is nearly impossible to find online in the US unless you want to pay a million dollars for shipping. HARD PASS.

Guess what though? Homemade kansui is really easy. Maggie from The Omnivore’s Cookbook with her genius post on BAKING baking soda. I also found a great article from the New York Times on this subject as well.

That’s all to say, I didn’t invent any wheels here, and you don’t have to either. I am pretty happy with my version of the traditional homemade ramen noodle, as was my family, so I’m super excited to share it with you here!

Use these noodles in my Spicy Tonkotsu Miso Ramen Recipe

Homemade Ramen Noodles

Tips for amazing homemade ramen noodles

Homemade ramen noodles aren’t hard, but if you have never made a homemade noodle before it will definitely be an adventure. Here are my tips as a mildly-experienced pasta-maker, after my first go-round with ramen noodles. 

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Break out your mixer and dough hook

The first thing you have to know about making homemade ramen noodles is that a mixer is going to be your best friend. This is a relatively dry dough, so if you are working it by hand prepare for a bit of a workout.

If you do decide to give this a go with no mechanical assistance, get some gloves. The homemade kansui is an alkaline solution made from baked baking soda, and it can be irritating to your skin. 

More Soup For You!

Homemade Ramen Noodles

A pasta machine is your next best friend

A pasta machine is going to make quick work of this dry, semi-hard-to-work dough. You can, in theory, use a rolling pin to get this dough thin enough, and then just slice it with a knife or pizza cutter, but that adds a WHOLE new element of HARD to this that the proper equipment would cut down on significantly. 

Homemade Ramen Noodles

The pasta machine that I linked below in the recipe is a great option and is very similar to the one that I have at my house. There are less-expensive options out there though, so shop around if that’s an issue for you and get a “starter” machine while you see if you enjoy pasta making. 

Semi-Pro tip: You can use it again when you make my fettuccini!
Spicy Tonkotsu Miso Ramen

Don’t forget to get a big pot of tonkotsu broth brewing so you can have a bowl of your own homemade Ramen soon!


Yield: 10 servings

Homemade Kansui

Homemade Ramen Noodles

Homemade Kansui makes an alkaline to use in homemade ramen noodles that gives them their signature bite.

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 1 minute


  • 1/4 cup baking soda


  1. Line a baking tray with tin foil, and preheat your oven to 250°.
  2. Sprinkle the baking soda onto the tray, and baking for 1 hour.
  3. Place into an air-tight container until you are ready to use. Don't handle with your bare hands, and do not get into your eyeballs! Bad news!


Original Source - Omnivores Cookbook

Nutrition Information:

Amount Per Serving: Calories: 0Sodium: 0mg

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Yield: 6 servings

Homemade Ramen Noodles

Homemade Ramen Noodles

Homemade Ramen noodles that have the perfect bite. Make a bit batch and freeze the extras after they are cut for a quick ramen shortcut next time!

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Additional Time 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 16 minutes


  • 4 cups bread flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons kansui (see recipe below)


  1. Combine the flour, kansui and water in your mixer with the dough hook attached, and mix on medium speed for 8-10 minutes. It may be a bit dry. If you need to add a little more water to make it come together, you can. You want it to JUST stick together as this dough is meant to be dryer than you might be used to.
  2. Let your dough rest for 3 hours in the fridge.
  3. Remove from the fridge and let your dough rest on the counter for 1 hour.
  4. Cut the dough into four pieces, and flatten out with your hand.
  5. With your pasta machine on the thickest setting, roll out your dough balls. Fold in half and roll through a few times. It may break up a bit, but will flatten out after a few go-throughs.
  6. Run the dough sheets through the pasta machine until they are at the 3 setting on your machine.
  7. Cut the dough using the spaghetti cutter. Dust with flour if they are sticking at all.Homemade Ramen Noodles
  8. Boil in well-salted water in small batches for 1 minute. The noodles will cook more in the hot Ramen broth.Homemade Ramen Noodles


Original Recipe by No Recipes!

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Nutrition Information:



Amount Per Serving: Calories: 330Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 3mgCarbohydrates: 66gFiber: 2gSugar: 0gProtein: 11g

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Nicole Johnson
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Nicole Johnson, a self-taught expert in grilling and outdoor cooking, launched Or Whatever You Do in 2010. Her blog, renowned for its comprehensive and creative outdoor cooking recipes, has garnered a vast audience of millions. Nicole's hands-on experience and passion for grilling shine through her work. Her husband, Jeremiah Johnson, also plays a pivotal role in recipe development, adding his culinary flair to the mix. Together, they form a dynamic duo, offering a rich and varied outdoor cooking experience to their followers.

Chanel Pugh

Wednesday 12th of July 2023

Can I use a pizza cutter instead of a pasta cutter?

Nicole Johnson

Wednesday 12th of July 2023



Sunday 16th of April 2023

I can't find the whole recipe for hand made noodles it took me to the mixer one and I don't have a mixer

Nicole Johnson

Monday 17th of April 2023

The recipe for the noodles is at the very bottom of the post. There is only a mixer version, but you can make it by hand kneading if you don’t have a mixer. You’ll just need to really knead it a lot. Try not to use too much flour on the kneading surface or the noodles can be tough. Let me know how it goes!


Monday 28th of February 2022

Do you have a recipe for a pasta extruder

Lee Moffatt

Wednesday 16th of March 2022

@Lewis, Hi, I was just making ramen noodles in my Phillips pasta maker. To 100gms flour (use Bread flour in the USA, AP or Bread flour in Canada), add 1gm salt and 1.5gms Sodium carbonate. You can use regular baking soda, but the noodles won't be as good. Add 35 to 40mls warm water just until the dough starts to form, just like making pasta. This makes one serving, so double or quadruple recipe depending on capacity of your machine.

Nicole Johnson

Monday 28th of February 2022

I do not, sorry! I don't have a pasta extruder, so haven't been able to test this recipe using one.

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